2) In order to connect to Raspberrypi via ssh, we need IP adress of Raspberrypi.
Let's say IP address of Raspberrypi is
In terminal: ssh pi@ Enter your password and connect!.
(If we don't know the IP address of it, then use nmap -sP command on your notebook. This will report the devices connected to your network. If nmap is not installed: sudo apt-get install nmap)
3) First of all we need to install a vnc server to Raspberry pi:
In ssh terminal: sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install tightvncserver
4) After installation, in order to run vncserver:
Enter vncserver :1 in ssh terminal.
At first time you'll be asked to set a password.(8 character max: e.g. raspberr)
Say "no" to the next question.
5) Now vnc server is up! Time to set vnc client in your notebook.
6) Download Vnc Viewer:
Download VNC-5.2.1-Linux-x86-DEB.tar.gz (32-bit for me)
tar -xzvf VNC-5.2.1-Linux-x86-DEB.tar.gz
sudp dpkg -i VNC-Viewer-5.2.1-Linux-x86.deb
7) Now we have vncviewer in notebook. Run it by typing vncviewer on terminal.
Enter, Connect and also enter your password.
8) It's done. You can use your laptop to control and monitor your Raspberrypi. Note that you cannot monitor the processes using GPU directly such as Minecraft-pi etc.
- https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-raspberry-pi-lesson-7-remote-control-with-vnc/installing-vnc
- http://askubuntu.com/questions/224559/how-to-find-all-the-used-ip-addresses-on-a-network